Sugar scrub cubes


1/4 cup coconut oil (or other oil of choice)
1 cup of sugar (white or brown)
1/2 cup of unscented soap, shredded
Mixing bowl & spoon
Optional add-ins for scent
Ice cube tray or other mold



Mix the oil and shredded soap together in a microwave safe bowl.
Microwave on high for 10 second intervals stirring in between each. Continue until the soap is melted into the oil.
Add in optional scents or other ingredients and stir.
Quickly move mixture to a mold and let firm up (putting it in the freezer helps).
The optional stuff is my favorite part. Here are variations and adetives

coffee and vanilla
Coffee is great for cellulite! Mix in 1/4 cup coffee grounds and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract.

brown sugar and maple
Replace the white sugar with 1 cup of brown sugar and add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup.